Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saudi Arabia Dreaming...

Sara S

This lecture was given by "Mr. Amr Khashogshi" (Amkest Group), his topic focused on "Saudi Arabia Dreaming" The Peopleware Upgrade!

At first, Khashogji focused on the type of learning that is focused on in schools in Saudi Arabia. He felt that this is an area, which needs more attention, especially in higher education. Some areas that need attention are speech skills, curriculum, education facilities, etc...

He spoke about how students need these important skills to improve their abilities in school, develop their ways of learning, and build up a high self-esteem.

He spoke about the power of the "E" which stands for - educated, efficient, and employable. All of these E's must be available in our students. If these are part of the curriculum, students will be more confident, have a higher self-esteem, and be responsible for their own education.

Actually, students should develop their speech skills from the kindergarten until the 12th grade, at these stages students are more willing to learn these important skills. However, once they reach high school, they should be able to introduce themselves properly and even give a long speech. Students also must respect time and work rules. Therefore, they will stick to their appointments in the future, and submit anything that others want in the required time.

Efficient teachers must try to train their students by giving some useful workshops, and helping them to improve themselves not only by giving lectures, but with helpful workshops that will make them ask for these workshops every time the need them.

About the curriculum, Khashogji described that the curriculum in the school should consist of: math, science, English language, and computer skills, as well as other important subjects. But he said that these are the important courses that our teachers must look at them and improve them before improving students' skills.

Khashogji also talked about Education facilities, in which that there are some buildings that are not designed for learning. However, students and teachers need a real place for education, as well as a safe building for both.

The last thing he mentioned is the initiative. Learning center is very important to be located and selecting professional teachers from everywhere in the country, and train them with the needed skills, to be able to teach the next generation in schools.

He also added a very good quote at the end, which is:

"Talent is like a marksman who hits a target which others cannot reach.

Genius is like a marksman who hits a target which others cannot see". By: Schopenhauer.

From my viewpoint, I think that Khashogji's lecture was very important and useful in order to improve our society, and make a good education in the next generations.

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